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New: Quick tips guide to integrate environment and climate change into the energy sector

A new guidance note is available for staff and delegations, to aid with programme planning.

date:  21/11/2019

The energy sector is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. To tackle climate change effectively, therefore, we need to largely 'decarbonise' our energy systems by moving away from fossil fuels. The energy sector will also be heavily affected by climate change. The European Commission Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) has thus produced a short publication with quick tips to integrate environment and climate change into the sustainable energy sector. The aim of the guidance note is to support DG DEVCO staff and partner countries with their programming processes and with the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Sustainable energy has the potential to contribute to several Sustainable Development Goals and targets related to climate change mitigation and adaptation, food security, curbing pollution, sustainable production and consumption, improving public health and access to clean water, promoting education and gender equality or addressing land degradation. To deliver these benefits, however, actions must be carefully planned to prevent, on the one hand, unintended adverse impacts on the environment and climate, and on the other, to avoid climate change and ecosystems degradation reducing the effectiveness and sustainability of such actions.

Click the link below for the ‘quick tips guide’ containing practical ideas for maximising opportunities for environmental sustainability and addressing environmental and climate-related risks in the sustainable energy sector.

Quick tips guide: sustainable energy sector

For further guidance on environment and climate change mainstreaming contact:

DEVCO Environment and Climate Change Mainstreaming Facility
T: +32 229 622 83

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