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Increasing livelihood opportunities for sesame farmers through eco-agriculture production in northern Uganda

This project implemented in the Northern region of Uganda in 2015-2017 aimed to change sesame production and consumption management with a view to reducing its negative environmental impacts. The Eco-Agriculture-Sesame project promoted eco-agriculture and an inclusive green economy, and contributed to increasing livelihood opportunities for sesame farmers, most of them women and young people.

date:  14/02/2019

Supported by the EU SWITCH Africa Green initiative, the project conducted training workshops and provided technical assistance to leaders and members of youth-based farmer organisations. Eco-agricultural production methods and practices, inducing a change of mindset and attitudes, were shared with the farmers. These included soil and water conservation, integrated pest management, post-harvest handling practices, storage and price negotiation. It worked with 15 youth farmer organisations in the Lira district, and a total of 405 members, 259 of them women (of which, 159 teen mothers) and 146 men.

The farmers benefited from a boost in productivity from adopting the eco-agricultural practices, which led to improved yields and reduced costs through eliminating agrochemicals in the production process. This enabled the farmers to make sustainable investments (for example, in solar panels).









Beneficiaries participating in making a concoction of cow dung and chili used to kill storage pests. © Plan International


The project also created jobs across the value chain, notably by helping farmers specialise as sesame producers and engaging them in value-addition activities such as making sesame paste and snacks.








Post-harvest handling (reducing losses from 20 % to 5 %). © Plan International


Read more here.

Read also the MSME story of the Adwoa Youth Group.


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