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Register for the Open PM² Conference 2018

We are happy to announce that the registration is now open for the 2018 Open PM² Conference, to be held in Brussels, February 1 and 2, 2018.

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date:  01/12/2017

The Open PM² Conference 2018 is a landmark EU event which brings together 1000 representatives from EU Institutions, Public Administrations of Member States, PM Practitioners, Service Providers and PM² Methodologies Experts, to learn from each other and exchange experiences in using PM².

The conference presentations and discussions aim to address how PM² can enable better Project Management in the EU by helping organisations deal with the challenges of performance, collaboration, engagement with citizens and keeping up with the complexities of managing outsourced projects.



Attend a world class Project Management conference in the heart of Europe.




Learn about the PM² Methodology, the PM² Best Practices, activities, artefacts and mindsets.


  Meet Project Managers from all over Europe. Learn from their experiences and share yours.      



Discover how to join the Open PM² Community and the PM² Project Support Network.



Learn how to adopt PM² and evolve to higher organisational Project Management performance.            


One common, free and open Project Management Methodology for Europe.

This event is for anyone who would like to learn more about the PM² Project Management Methodology: Management and staff working in Public Administrations, Staff from European Institutions and International Organisations, Service Providers, and European Citizens.

The conference is organised over two days and in three parallel tracks, and offers an agenda packed with interesting presentations and multiple themes, cases, short trainings, panel discussions and networking opportunities: 24 Speakers, 4 keynote presentations, 12 parallel track presentations, 5 case presentations, 15 short PM² training sessions.

Visit the Official Conference Website.

To attend the conference, please register by no later than January 15, 2018. Note that there is no registration fee, however, your attendance needs to be confirmed by the organisers – you will be notified of your registration status by email.

For questions please contact:

The conference is jointly sponsored by 5 EU Institutions (European Commission, Council of the European Union, Committee of the Regions, European Central Bank, European External Action Service). The Open PM² Initiative is also part of the Sharing and Reuse action of the ISA² programme.


We look forward to welcoming you at the conference!


The Open PM² Conference Team

Stay Tuned!



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