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The Annual Research Conference 2024 | Europe in a changing world: navigating the challenges, seeking opportunities, and building resilient economies

The Annual Research Conference (ARC) is the European Commission’s flagship research forum that brings together leading researchers in economics and policymakers. The 2024 edition of the Annual Research Conference (ARC) aims to contribute to the understanding of the implications of ongoing trends in global trade, including changes in the organisation of global value chains, and their impact on economic efficiency, capital allocation, and incentives for innovation and investment, also in low-carbon technologies, as well as contributions analysing the costs and benefits of industrial policies aimed at the development of strategic sectors, including inter alia defence, energy, healthcare and high-tech, and its implications for the EU single market.

NaturArchy exhibition

The JRC SciArt flagship initiative fosters collaborations between artists, scientists and policymakers. Its fourth edition (2022-2024) revolves around NaturArchy, which aims to reimagine our relationship with nature and the environment.

Register to the Newsletter!

This newsletter brings to you the latest research, upcoming events and past events synopsis on sustainable finance from the Sustainable Finance Research Forum. Also, we'll be periodically bringing to you top-sustainable finance-researchers's interviews.

JRC Karlsruhe Open Day

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre - opens the doors of its Karlsruhe site to the European citizens and local communities on 14 October 2023.

13-14 July - 5th JRC Summer School on Sustainable Finance

Amid escalating climate change and energy crises, the European Commission Joint Research Centre’s 5th Sustainable Finance Summer School unites global experts to examine risk, digital technology’s role, and strategies for scaling sustainable finance in emerging economies. Combining academic sessions and policy-oriented lectures, this pivotal event fosters innovation, research, and policymaking in sustainable finance.

6-7 July - Risk Management in Times of Digital and Circular Economy

Under the auspices of the JRC, the 16th edition of the International Risk Management Conference will take place in Florence (IT). It is organised by the Risk, Banking and Finance Society, in association with University of Florence, NYU Stern Salomon Center and Fundação Dom Cabral.

Education and Innovation Summit

The first ever Education and Innovation Summit will bring together key actors from the world of Education and Innovation to share knowledge and inspiring experiences on innovative education practices and on building bridges between the education and higher education communities, and their surrounding innovation ecosystems. You can watch the event online on 23 June 2022, 10:00-18:00. Register here for online participation.

Digital Education Hack

The Digital Education Hackathon 2021 took place from 9-10 November 2021, and on 9 June, the award ceremony will take place. The three DigiEduHack 2021 Global Award winning teams will receive their awards and will be invited to pitch their solution to Mariya Gabriel, the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.

Support for the implementation of the European Heritage Label

Mid-June, a new call will open with the general objective of supporting the development of a European Heritage Label (EHL) umbrella organisation to ensure networking, collaboration, training and opportunities among the EHL Stakeholders. The call will contribute to the implementation of the EHL general objectives of "strengthening European Citizens' sense of belonging to the Union, in particular that of young people, based on shared values and elements of European history and cultural heritage, as well as an appreciation of national and regional diversity; and strengthening intercultural dialogue".

CONCORDi 2021: Industrial Innovation for competitive sustainability - call for papers

CONCORDi 2021, the biennial European conference on corporate R&D and innovation, aims to identify the research, business and policy challenges in this area for the decade to come, and to provide guidance to the EU industrial research and innovation policy agenda. A call for papers on issues related to the economics and policy of corporate R&D and innovation is open until 30 June.

3rd Summer School on Sustainable Finance

The JRC Summer School on Sustainable Finance brings together academics, policymakers and professionals to help researchers focus their attention on the most pressing issues faced by industry and produce policy-relevant research. It also provides independent scientific advice to policy, reaffirming the crucial role of research in informing policy-making.

Submission of papers is open until 23 May. Papers in the broader field of sustainable finance, including climate risk, are welcome for presentation.

3rd International Conference on European Studies

Registration for the Third Annual Conference on European Studies is open from 1-10 May. This Conference will bring together economists and political scientists to address European socio‐economic issues.

Putting Science into Standards - Organ on Chip

This event aims to facilitate the exchange of views on the future development of 'organ on chip' technology, its application areas and stakeholder needs in order to identify how European standardisation can support its safe, widescale deployment.