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New Survey: Understanding the state of biodiversity credits and their link with the carbon market

A public survey on biodiversity credits has been launched under the Climate Biodiversity Nexus Project. This survey is deemed highly relevant for members of the EU Business and Biodiversity Platform and businesses engaging on biodiversity. Help us build a better picture of the emerging biodiversity credits, understand their link with the carbon credit market, and the motivations and expectations from market participants!

date:  14/05/2024

Biodiversity credits have been recognised in Target 19 of the 2022 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) as one of the nascent innovative schemes capable of channelling private sector investment into biodiversity. Although biodiversity credits and biodiversity-linked carbon credits have great potential, they also face challenges and risks that must be carefully addressed in consultation with key stakeholders (critical and supportive) for this emerging market.

The “Climate Biodiversity Nexus” project, funded by the European Union (EU), aims to identify the potential for the voluntary carbon market to contribute to biodiversity conservation and restoration through implementing robust requirements for biodiversity-linked carbon credits. The project will also investigate the potential development of standalone biodiversity credits, with a special focus on the demand side of these markets, and the types of policies and measures that could be put in place to shape and enhance their size and quality.

Help build a better picture of the emerging biodiversity credits market and understand the motivations and expectations from market participants by filling this survey by 24 May 2024.

Access the survey here.  

To know more about the project, click here.