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Join us on April 4th at 14:00 CET for the Biodiversity Basics Webinar!

When it comes to the biodiversity, business as usual is no longer desirable nor acceptable. The Biodiversity Basics Webinars will get business up to speed with the fundamentals of biodiversity and everything they need to know to build a nature positive future. Join us on April 4th from 14:00 to 15:00 CET if your business could do with some guidance to anticipate new regulations and material risks.

date:  20/03/2024

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Biodiversity is essential for the processes that support all life on Earth, and forms the foundation of our economy, and healthy and prosperous societies. It is critical to our well-being and livelihoods, and its dramatic decline currently poses the greatest systemic risks to our economy. Following the momentum of the Kunming-Montreal GBF, businesses are being called to step up and make substantial changes to improve their relations with nature.  

However, many businesses are not fully aware of the extent to which they depend on biodiversity and ecosystems, or of the impact they have on them. Nor are they always able to anticipate the newcoming regulatory approaches and the material risks that they may entail. 

The Biodiversity Basics Webinars, to be held on April 4th from 14:00 to 15:00 CET will help organisations get up to speed with the fundamentals of biodiversity and the policy landscape by showcasing actionable changes to preserve biodiversity and restore natural capital and encouraging transformative action to future-proof businesses. 

Register for the webinar here 

