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Release of the third edition of the Finance & Biodiversity guide on biodiversity measurement approaches

As biodiversity loss becomes an ever more urgent challenge, financial institutions are looking for ways to quantify the impacts and dependencies of their finance and investment activities on biodiversity. This third edition builds on a series of previous editions, developed by the EU Business & Biodiversity Platform. The guide offers information and assistance to financial institutions in understanding the existing approaches for measuring their interactions with biodiversity.

date:  20/03/2024

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The ‘Guide on Biodiversity Measurement Approaches’, now in its third edition, has been collaboratively developed by the EU Business & Biodiversity Platform and the Finance for Biodiversity (FfB) Foundation. This guide serves as a valuable resource for financial institutions, aiding them in comprehending various approaches to measuring their impact on biodiversity.  

Within the guide, nine biodiversity measurement tools are categorized into three groups: sector screening approaches, location screening approaches, and dependencies & impacts assessment. Each tool’s suitability, strengths, limitations, data requirements, and scopes are meticulously outlined.  

Notably, this edition introduces new elements, including two new tools - the Nature and Biodiversity Metrics (MSCI) and the Biodiversity Impact Assessment Tool (ISS ESG). Additionally, it categorizes the tools following frameworks such as the TNFD LEAP approach. The guide provides updated details and links for all tools, emphasizing their TNFD reporting suitability.  


Download the report here to stay updated on the biodiversity measurement approached for financial institutions 


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