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Joint Declaration on Sustainable Water Management signed by EU and Egypt | Dubai, 9 December 2023

On 9 December 2023, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius on behalf of the EU and Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Arab Republic of Egypt Hani Sewilam signed a Joint Declaration in the margins of COP28, establishing a sustainable water partnership.

date:  28/01/2024

The Declaration establishes high-level annual meetings, new structures for cooperation including a joint working group and could help to organise a possible water forum for businesses. It aims to support Egypt’s water security by sustainably managing the limited water resources available. It promotes regular structured dialogue and policy exchanges that can inform strengthened technological, scientific, and management capabilities of both Egypt and the EU. This partnership can become a model for similar partnerships on the African continent, where Egypt with its Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 already plays a leading role. 

The Joint Declaration signed is part of a long process of EU-Egypt environmental cooperation. Egypt has also already established a long-term cooperation with the EU in the water sector, through the Team Europe Initiative on Water and Food Security.

Signing the Joint Declaration, Commissioner Sinkevičius said:

'Water stress is increasing worldwide. Increasing our water resilience is at the heart of preventing and addressing current and future health, food and energy crises. The EU-Egypt Partnership on water shows that we will step up our cooperation to address this global challenge, together'.

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