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Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution | Nairobi, 13 - 19 November 2023

Throughout INC-3, Members deliberated on the Chair’s Zero Draft, reviewed a compilation of text incorporating the perspectives of all Members, formulated a validated, co-facilitator merged text, and addressed outstanding issues.

Delegates from the European Union
© IISD/ENB | Anastasia Rodopoulou

date:  28/01/2024

More than 1,900 delegates took part in INC-3, representing 161 Members, including the European Union, and over 318 observer organisations, such as UN entities, intergovernmental organisations, and non-governmental organisations.

As concerns about the scourge of plastic pollution continue to mount around the world, delegates arrived at the third session of the INC, armed with a Zero Draft, developed by the INC Chair Gustavo Meza-Cuadra (Peru), in conjunction with the INC Secretariat. However, during INC-3, divergent interpretations of UNEA resolution 5/14 emerged as delegates shared their perspectives on the "full life cycle of plastic." Some advocated for measures targeting plastic production, while others favoured downstream approaches to eradicate plastic waste. Another focus was on determining effective design standards for enduring plastic products.

The meeting aimed to advance the development of an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution, using the Zero Draft as a basis for discussions. Delegates addressed new Committee considerations, including general provisions like scope and definitions, using a Synthesis Report. Operating in contact groups, Delegates reached a consensus on the mandate for the revised draft. 

Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), expressed optimism about the progress in negotiations toward a treaty to combat plastic pollution. She commended the determination of the Chair, Ambassador Meza-Cuadra, and the INC Members and urged them to remain ambitious, innovative, inclusive, and bold in shaping an effective instrument to address plastic pollution.

The INC also elected two Vice-Chairs to the Bureau and appointed a new Committee Chair. 

Ambassador of Ecuador H.E. Luis Vayas Valdivieso, the new INC Chair, underlined the importance of listening to the scientific community and diverse stakeholders, pledging to work with Members and stakeholders for the success of the INC process, instrument delivery, and implementation to combat plastic pollution.

INC Members agreed on the dates for both INC-4 in Ottawa, Canada, in April 2024, and INC-5, scheduled for November/December 2024 in the Republic of Korea.

Jyoti Mathur-Filipp, Executive Secretary of the INC Secretariat, commended the collaborative, compromising, and committed spirit observed during the session in Nairobi. She encouraged carrying forward the Nairobi spirit into future sessions, aiming for a robust, ambitious, and inclusive instrument to combat plastic pollution.

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