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European Business and Nature Summit 2023 | Milan, 11 – 12 October 2023

The European Business and Nature Summit (EBNS) 2023 witnessed over 450 global leaders converging to accelerate sustainable business models aligned with biodiversity conservation, marking a pivotal moment for the international community committed to the green transition. The event showcased a roadmap for businesses to lead in shaping a net-zero, equitable, and nature-positive future.

Ⓒ EUBB Platform

date:  28/01/2024

Organised by the European Commission, the EBNS stands as the largest international conference dedicated to the crucial intersection of business and biodiversity conservation.  More than 450 representatives, hailing from the realms of finance, business, politics, and civil society, converged at the Summit to engage in discussions that resonate with the overarching goals of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

Over the course of two days, the EBNS featured a diverse array of insights from over 80 speakers across 20 sessions. These sessions illuminated the myriad challenges and opportunities intrinsic to achieving the Kunming Montreal goals.

Here are five key takeaways from the Summit:

  1. The European business and biodiversity movement continues its growing momentum: The EBNS showcased the steadfast growth of the European business and biodiversity movement, underlining the commitment of organisations to integrate biodiversity conservation into their operational ethos.
  2. From commitments to urgent action: There is a need for a faster and wider-scale implementation of sustainable business models.
  3. Nature-related risks – a finance sector mandate: The EBNS emphasised the imperative for businesses to integrate nature considerations into their risk assessments and decision-making processes.
  4. Pragmatism and agility for a net-zero, equitable, and nature-positive future: The Summit underscored the need for adaptive business strategies that align with environmental goals. Achieving a net-zero, equitable, and nature-positive future demands a high level of pragmatism and agility.
  5. Integrated approach to climate and biodiversity risks: The EBNS noted a positive trend where addressing climate and biodiversity-related risks together is becoming the norm. However, the Summit stressed the importance of equitably sharing the burdens and benefits associated with these endeavours.

The EBNS 2023 served as a valuable platform for taking stock of current efforts and intensifying actions toward a nature-positive society. As the world grapples with the urgency of biodiversity conservation, the Summit provided a roadmap for businesses to not only align with environmental goals but to lead the charge in forging a sustainable and harmonious future.

More information:

·         Summit official website with recordings, slides and summaries