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Update on the Finance and Biodiversity Overview of initiatives for financial institutions

The momentum behind biodiversity is growing among financial institutions, and so is the number of communities, networks and initiatives dedicated to this topic. This overview of biodiversity-related initiatives for financial institutions is a resource meant to help financial institutions understand the latest biodiversity-related initiatives out there - who is doing what, where and when. Launched in April 2021 by the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation, UNEP FI, the PRI, and the Business & Biodiversity Platform, this report is updated yearly. The most recent update covers nineteen initiatives, outlining activities planned for the 2023-2024 period. It provides an overview of the nineteen initiatives, the topics they address and their level of collaboration for each topic. In addition, a fact sheet for each initiative is also included.

date:  19/01/2024

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We are pleased to share with you an overview of the latest and upcoming activities from in total 19 Finance and Biodiversity initiatives. This overview of current initiatives is tailored for financial institutions within the biodiversity landscape. Since the adoption of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework in December 2022, there has been a palpable surge in momentum among financial institutions committed to biodiversity causes.

The document is a valuable resource for industry stakeholders, as it provides an updated examination of communities, networks, and initiatives dedicated to biodiversity. It outlines the audiences to whom each initiative is catered, and which topics are covered by them. These include ESG and engagement, measurements and data, target setting, reporting and disclosure, positive impact, and public policy advocacy, with the aim to offer an understanding of the evolving biodiversity-related initiatives landscape. The document includes a mapping of nineteen initiatives, delivering a granular breakdown of the addressed topics and the level of collaboration associated with each. For those seeking an in-depth comprehension, concise fact sheets for each initiative follow the comprehensive overview table, ensuring that stakeholders stay abreast of the latest and most relevant information.

Collaboration is a central theme, with the Finance workstream under the EU Business & Biodiversity Platform collaborating with UNEP FI, the PRI and the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation. Together, we seek to assist financial institutions in navigating this dynamic landscape, fostering collaboration and elucidating diverse opportunities. The document, as an updated version, aims to facilitate synergies and expedite collaboration on pivotal topics.

This initiative underscores the ongoing dedication of the financial sector to contribute meaningfully to global biodiversity goals. We invite you to delve into the updated report, gain nuanced insights into the latest initiatives shaping the landscape, and identify opportunities for strategic collaboration. Definitions of the topics covered can be referenced in the Guidance document of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge and Foundation.

Download the report here to stay updated on the landscape of initiatives for financial institutions.


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