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Through the Eyes of a wolf exhibition | Italy


date:  19/12/2023

Communication on large carnivores is often focused around conflict and addressing those who are strongly opposed to large carnivore presence. This however risks losing the broader public who perhaps have less strong feelings around large carnivore presence but have the potential to be interested by their biology and behaviour. As part of the EU LIFE WolfAlps project, this public is addressed through a range of actions. One innovative approach is collaboration with artists and museums.

The project has designed and presented an immersive exhibition using video and audio effects, which tries to see coexistence from the perspective of a young wolf in dispersal (leaving his home pack to find a new territory and mate). The exhibition was hosted at Muse from 4 November to 28 May, then travelled to the St. Francis Monumental Complex in Cuneo (10/06/2023 - 2/09/2023).

The openings of the exhibition where both times preceded by an educational event where speeches on coexistence, study and prevention of threats to conservation where held. Both openings also included a dialogue with Italy’s leading wolf expert Luigi Boitani. From September till October, the exhibition moved to Milan. In all locations, the exhibition was complemented by conferences on wolves, activities for children, teacher’s training, and in Cuneo also bicycle excursions including a visit to the Centre for People and Wolves.