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In Europe across the EMAS community

In Europe across the EMAS community

date:  11/12/2023

The EMAS Helpdesk in collaboration with the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform organised in the framework of the Circular Week, a recent webinar, "People: your best resource in environmental management. How to involve them?", attended by over 200 participants. The webinar provided insights into effectively involving staff and stakeholders in environmental management, and the supportive role of EMAS, and highlighted best practices. You can revisit the recording of the webinar and the PowerPoint of the speakers here.

Moreover, we're excited to see various EMAS and sustainable management events and initiatives flourishing in Member States such as the EMAS Day in Belgium or the Latvian Seminar for public authorities and NGOs. Read more in the EMAS News section. If you have any EMAS-related news or events, we encourage you to share them with the EMAS Helpdesk.

We are looking forward to what 2024 will bring. But for now, the EMAS Helpdesk Team wishes you a wonderful holiday season and a fresh start in the new year!

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