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UNEP Global Consultation on Issues of Concern | Geneva, 11 - 12 July 2023

This event was convened to discuss priorities of further work and further potential international action on issues of concern posing risks to human health and the environment.


date:  15/10/2023

As part of the consultation process, conducted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in reply to a request from the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA resolution 5/7 on sound management of chemicals and waste), participants advanced discussion about 19 issues of concern that pose risks to human health and the environment, 11 of which are issues with emerging evidence of risks identified by the Global Chemicals Outlook II. The other 8 are emerging policy issues and other issues of concern identified under the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management, as follows:

As outcome of the consultation process, UNEP is requested to prepare a summary analysis, taking into account the views received from stakeholders, for consideration by the Environment Assembly and by other international bodies, including the International Conference on Chemicals Management. It is expected that the summary analysis will be presented to UNEA 6 for consideration.

More information:

·         11-12 July 2023 Global Consultation on Issues of Concern - Geneva meeting

·         15 June 2023 - Chemicals and Waste Issues of Concern: Tackling Future Priorities

·         27 April 2023 - Overview of findings from the Assessment Report on Issues of Concern

·         Overview of findings - Group 1 - Chemicals in Products 

·         Overview of findings - Group 2 - Metals & metalloids

·         Overview of findings - Group 3 - Bio-active substances 

·         Consultation on priorities for further work and potential further international action on Issues of concern


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