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Upcoming EMAS webinar

This autumn, we're thrilled to announce an upcoming EMAS webinar!

date:  28/09/2023

In collaboration with the Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform and part of the Circular Week 2023: "People: your best resource in environmental management. How to involve them?" We invite you to join us on October 26th at 10 am to gain valuable insights into engaging your staff, top management, and other stakeholders in your environmental management system. Our agenda includes Circular Flanders on "Driving Organizational and Behavioral Changes," the CEO of Seppo discussing "The Power of Gamification," Club EMAS introducing EMAS and its stakeholder involvement requirements, and firsthand experiences from organisations like ST Microelectronics, La Page Original, and VO-Group, sharing insights on stakeholder and employee engagement. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your environmental management strategies. Register here.