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Registrations for the European Business & Nature Summit are now open!

The European Business & Nature Summit 2023 is excited to announce that registrations are now open! Get ready for a transformative journey towards a nature-positive future. Join us on October 11th and 12th in Milan's iconic Palazzo Lombardia, where visionary experts and business leaders will unite to shape innovative business models for a regenerative economy and a nature-positive future. Register your application to join our programme exploring biodiversity conservation, innovative financial mechanisms, and collaborative partnerships. Learn from industry pioneers, gain invaluable insights, and become a driving force in shaping a nature-positive society.

date:  21/08/2023

Registrations to the European Business & Nature Summit are now open on the EBNS 2023 website. Secure your spot by registering your interest today, as registration applications are continuously reviewed.

Join the Summit on October 11th and 12th at Milan's Palazzo Lombardia, which takes place ahead of the pivotal COP16. This timing lends exceptional weight to the occasion, as it focuses on equipping businesses with transformative tools to align with biodiversity goals set out by the Global Biodiversity Framework and lead the charge towards a nature-positive paradigm.

Dedicated to crafting business models that catalyse a nature-positive future, the Summit will be at the forefront of change propelling business models to integrate nature and biodiversity seamlessly. Prepare for guidance and inspiration from prominent speakers in policy and business spheres as they navigate the path to improving your businesses’ bond with nature. Engaging group sessions will discuss practical actions for transformation: from monitoring and disclosing biodiversity to regenerating ecosystems and innovating financial mechanisms.

These sessions offer a glimpse into the EBNS programme, showcasing what's in store for the Summit. Participation guarantees invaluable insights, forging pre-competitive alliances, and firsthand understanding of the successes already achieved by pioneering businesses, institutions, entrepreneurs, NGOs, and policymakers. This opportunity unveils actionable strategies for biodiversity conservation and revival.

At the Summit, businesses and financial institutions will be invited to sign the European Business Nature Commitment to signal their alignment with the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and willingness to progress on the Assess-Commit-Transform-Disclose framework over the next 12 months marching towards the COP16 and the next EBNS 2024.

Join in on the momentum of transformation, develop and act on your nature strategy and become a beacon of change!


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