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94th Meeting of the Bureau of the Barcelona Convention | Izola, 20-21 June 2023

Participants reviewed progress and set priorities for environmental protection in the Mediterranean region.

© Dimitris Poursanidis

date:  10/07/2023

Ms Tatjana Hema, the Coordinator of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) from the UNEP-MAP Secretariat, presented a comprehensive progress report on the activities carried out between November 2022 and May 2023. The report highlighted significant achievements under the Convention's Mid Term Strategy, focusing on the seven core components:

  1. Pollution and litter-free Med,
  2. Healthy Mediterranean ecosystems and enhanced biodiversity,
  3. Climate-resilient Med,
  4. Sustainable use of coastal and marine resources including circular and blue economy,
  5. Governance,
  6. Monitoring, assessment, knowledge for informed decision making, and
  7. Advocacy, awareness, education, and communication.

Of particular note were the advancements made in preparing three new regional action plans, namely aquaculture, agricultural practices, and storm-water management. The Secretariat also emphasised the implementation of the Mediterranean Sea Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides and Particulate Matter (Med SOx ECA), a crucial initiative, while stressing the need for the remaining six countries to ratify Annex VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). Furthermore, efforts were highlighted in the implementation of the post-2020 SAPBIO Strategy, aimed at safeguarding biodiversity in the Mediterranean.

During the discussions, Bureau members underscored the importance of greater youth involvement in Convention activities, promoting education, and addressing gender equality. The upcoming COP Ministerial session was confirmed to address these critical issues plus the maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal zone management. Slovenia — host of the next COP23 — informed that the theme of the Ministerial session will be "Green transition: from decisions into action."

The Secretariat also presented the financial and administrative report, including the audited statement of the budget figures for 2022. The audited statement revealed a total net asset of 7.8 million USD by the end of 2022. The European Commission highlighted the need for detailed expenditure information per MAP component and updated information for 2023 and the forthcoming budget for 2024-2025. The Commission also called for an informed discussion on budget matters, including the potential utilisation of the MTF surplus and a proposed 5 % increase in ordinary contributions.

The 94th Meeting of the Bureau of the Barcelona Convention demonstrated the commitment of participating countries and organisations to protect and preserve the Mediterranean environment. With the outcomes and recommendations from this meeting, the Convention aims to strengthen its role in global processes (CBD, Plastic Agreement, BNJJ) and partnerships (UfM and PAMEX) while adhering to the approved Mid-term strategy and addressing administrative and staffing constraints.

Participants at the meeting included representatives from the UNEP-MAP Secretariat, Turkey, Slovenia, Libya, Tunisia, Spain, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The European Commission (ENV.C2) attended as an Observer.

The Bureau meeting served as a crucial milestone leading up to the upcoming COP23, scheduled to take place in Portoroz from December 4-8, 2023.

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