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Level(s) webinar: ‘Level(s): What's in it for building renovations?’ - Registration is open!

date:  27/03/2023

Dear subscriber, 

We invite you to register for the webinar: ‘Level(s): What's in it for building renovations?’ 

Level(s) webinar ‘What’s in it for building renovations?’

Renovating both public and private buildings is an essential action and has been singled out in the European Green Deal as a key initiative to drive energy efficiency in the sector and deliver on objectives. This Level(s) webinar will walk you through three ‘renovation’ contexts where Level(s) can potentially be valuable:

  • When renovation is the chosen strategy: Where an asset owner or purchaser has already decided to renovate and needs a systematic framework to assess the sustainability performance of different renovation options.
  • For an existing asset, making the decision to either renovate or demolish and rebuild: Level(s) can provide structured justification (from a sustainability perspective) for either moving forward with major building renovation as an approach, or alternatively to demolish a new build.
  • During new build design, detailed planning for future renovation possibilities: Where a new build decision has already been made but, as part of the design process, the asset owner or developer would like to carefully consider the lifecycle of the asset – with particular emphasis placed on future adaptation and ability to renovate with low costs and high sustainability impact.

Join us to have your questions answered by experienced built-environment professionals, who will explain the importance of Level(s), the EU framework for sustainable buildings.

Who should attend?

  • Professionals involved in the design, planning, financing, execution of building projects.
  • Representatives of associations, agencies, cities and public authorities with responsibility for the built environment (building/construction, real estate etc.).
  • Organisations of all kinds seeking certification.


18 April 2023, 10:00 – 11:30 CEST

Register your place today!  

We look forward to your participation in the webinar!

Warm regards,

The Level(s) team