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Save the date: Whole life carbon roadmap support study update

date:  02/03/2023

venue:  Online

Organiser:  European Commission’s High Level Construction Forum

In March last year, the European Commission launched a study by Ramboll, a consultancy firm, which will support the development of an EU-wide whole life carbon roadmap, outlining how all building-related emissions can be mitigated by 2050. An expert working group representing 24 buildings sector stakeholders is contributing to the study and held its first meeting in February. The study is expected to be presented to the Commission in September 2023 to inform the whole life carbon roadmap. The European Commission’s High Level Construction Forum (HLCF) will be hosting a webinar to provide a status update on the study’s progress on the morning of Thursday 20 April 2023. If you would like to attend, please save the date and subscribe to the HLCF mailing list to be notified when it’s time to register.