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Level(s) webinar: ‘Learn how certification schemes are aligning with the EU framework for sustainable buildings’ - Registration is open!

date:  28/02/2023

Dear subscriber,

We invite you to register for the webinar: 'Learn how certification schemes are aligning with the EU framework for sustainable buildings.'

Level(s) webinar: 'Learn how certification schemes are aligning with the EU framework for sustainable buildings.'

Europe’s leading certification schemes are already incorporating Level(s) indicators, and this has an impact on those seeking certification. This Level(s) webinar will give you an answer to the following questions:

  • How does Level(s) complement certification schemes?
  • What is the reason a commercially oriented company would additionally engage with Level(s)?
  • What are the key examples where both have been used to deliver sustainability outcomes?
  • What does the further integration of Level(s) and certification schemes look like in the future?

Join us to get your questions answered by experienced built environment professionals, who will explain the importance of Level(s) in the EU framework for sustainable buildings.

Who should attend?

  • Professionals involved in the design, planning, financing, execution of building projects.
  • Representatives of associations, agencies, cities and public authorities with responsibility for the built-environment (building/construction, real estate etc.).
  • Organisations of all kinds seeking certification.


28 March 2023, 10:00 – 11:00 CET

Register your place today!

We look forward to your participation in the webinar!

Warm regards,

The Level(s) team