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The latest fashion trend? Biodiversity | Webinar on 22 February

Sustainable fashion trends are on the rise. After climate change, leading textile businesses are embracing biodiversity as the next step in their sustainability journey. The Align project is holding its first webinar of this year on 22 February from 14-15.30h CET on “Biodiversity and natural capital accounting for the apparel sector”. Make sure you are part of the solution and help us transform the fashion, textiles and apparel industry into a sector that protects nature and restores biodiversity.

date:  22/02/2023

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The linear way in which the apparel industry operates is strongly driving biodiversity loss. The circular economy for fashion offers a useful approach to transform the way we produce and use clothing. For example, wearing clothes until they last, and recycling materials can displace the need for new production of virgin fibre and reduce negative impacts on biodiversity related to production, processing, and disposal. There is so much more to be discovered and implemented. The circular economy offers business a systems-thinking approach to transform the sector.  

On 22 February from 13-14.30h the project, Aligning Accounting Approaches for Nature (Align), invites businesses from the apparel sector across the EU and beyond to hear from experts and practitioners from the industry that will share a suite of tools, indicators and principles for integrating natural capital thinking and biodiversity measurement in business decision making.  

Expert Liesl Truscott from Textile Exchange will set the scene and Tim Forslund from SITRA, who insights for the apparel sector from their latest report on the links between biodiversity and the circular economy, deep-diving on the textile sector among others. A business testimony will inspire an interactive discussion with the speakers and the audience following the presentations. You will have a chance to ask your most burning questions to get started on this exciting journey of safeguarding biodiversity loss and transforming our society to nature positive.