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United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Intergovernmental Working Group on Droughts | Bonn and online, 29-30 November 2022

The Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Mr Ibrahim Thiaw, in his opening remarks underlined the urgency and importance of addressing the drought holistically, as the world has never been so affected by dry spells as it is today. Therefore, the Intergovernmental Working Group on Droughts (IWG) is expected to provide further guidance and advice for the upcoming COP16 to move the global drought agenda.

©European Commission

date:  24/01/2023

Presentation of background documents

Global Assessment Report on Disaster-Risk Reduction by Ms Loretta Hieber Girardet, from Chief Risk Knowledge, Monitoring and Capacity Development at the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

The presentation considered the interlinkages of climate change and land degradation to be the leading factors of an increase in disaster events and high frequency of low-intensity events, including drought. To turn reactive remedies into proactive mechanisms, a few key recommendations need to be followed: invest in drought risk identification and mapping, ensure social accountability and early warning, as well as scaling up financing in economic, social and ecological resilience, which includes investments in nature-based solutions and holistic ecosystem restoration approaches.

UNDRR would like to collaborate with the IWG, outlining the possibility to submit a solution package to the UNFCCC processes and the Santiago Network. UNDRR pointed out that they have been accelerating financing, and mechanisms such as the Santiago Network, helping with early warning for proactive actions, evaluation of countries’ resilience, protection for people and assets, upgrade of infrastructure, etc.          

Mandate and objectives of the IWG by Mr Rajeb Boulharouf, Chief of Staff, UNCCD

Mr Rajeb Boulharouf emphasised that the UNCCD is the only legally binding instrument with a clear mandate to address drought issues. The mandate and objectives of the IWG include coming up with a baseline of agreements on what can be achieved, exploring options, and making recommendations.

Questions were raised concerning which options IWG members should identify as policy instruments and work on in terms of assessment and evaluation. After the discussions, members agreed that the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the IWG suggests members should analyse all options based on the highlighted reports from, for example, UNDRR/UNEP/the prior IWG group.

Foundation document by Ms Miriam Medel Garcia, Chief of Global Policy Advocacy and Regional Coordination, UNCCD

Ms Miriam Medel Garcia gave an introduction to the integrated drought management programme, which was born from a high-level meeting coordinated by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Global Water Partnership (GWP) in 2013. In 2017, the UNCCD established the drought initiative. At COP15, the IWG was renewed to come up with more concretive and tangible options and roadmaps for the consideration of Parties at COP16. Additionally, the launching of the International Drought Resilience Alliance (IDRA) in 2022 has been a political driver for addressing drought. To guide the IWG’s work, there will be a living document as a depository of materials.

Working session: first review of global policy instruments

A list of legal modalities was presented and discussed, including:

  • Protocol or Agreement linked to the parent agreement to focus on a specific aspect to enhance the implementation of the Convention;
  • Amendments or new annex to the Convention;
  • UNGA or UNEA resolutions outside the purview of the Convention, to negotiate a new convention or legal instrument; and
  • COP decision or political declaration.

Members agreed that all existing listed options are not binding but voluntary, as UNCCD is not an implementing agency and a protocol will bring all implementing agencies together. The goal of different options was debated. Members suggested that if there is difficulty in setting targets, the IWG could also focus more on technical issues. A global target (such as the 1.5 degree in the UNFCCC or 30x30 in CBD) was considered to be a potentially important instrument under the UNCCD.

Conclusions and final agreements on the way forward

Members discussed the definition of thematic priorities and possible legal modalities. The final agreed focus areas were protocol, guideline and target setting, with the overall goal of effective drought management under the UNCCD as defined in the ToR. The Secretariat will prepare a detailed list of different options submitted by all IWG members, to be shared by mid-February 2023.

The next in-person meetings will be held in March, June and October 2023.

Election of the IWG Co-chairs

Mr Alfred Prospere (Saint Lucia) was nominated to be one of the co-chairs by Chile and Mr Michael Brüntrup (Germany) was nominated to be one of the co-chairs by Belgium. Both were elected by all participating members and accepted the election.

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