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New year, new phase | The EU B@B Platform celebrates its 10th anniversary by inaugurating Phase 5

As a new year begins, the EU B@B Platform embarks on a new phase marking a decade of successful operations. The European Commission is now ready to launch Phase 5 of the EU B@B Platform, a critical stage in the journey towards the institutionalization of biodiversity. After nine consecutive years under ICF’s leadership, ICF will continue to coordinate the Platform, with vital support from Arcadis and NextGreen.

date:  13/01/2023

A collective effort is required to deliver the EU Biodiversity Strategy targets by 2030 and securing a “world of living in harmony with nature” by 2050, as called upon by the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Business and finance will now be key to providing solutions.  

Under its new phase, the EU B@B Platform will strengthen its efforts to mobilise a ‘critical mass’ of business actors in Europe and beyond. To achieve this, the Platform will build on the progress made to date and continue to innovate to engage with new players and trigger actions.  

The Platform’s multi-faceted mission will continue to:  

  • Actively seek out new businesses, financial institutions and support networks to onboard them on their biodiversity journey, raising their awareness and knowledge about the impacts, risks and opportunities related to biodiversity 
  • Strengthen the common understanding and unlocking the leveraging power of EU financial institutions by enabling well-informed EU business and sector engagement 
  • Address the key technical and organisational bottlenecks faced by businesses and financial institutions to progress on their biodiversity journey 

The EU B@B Platform will continue to be led by ICF for the next three years, joining forces with Arcadis and NextGreen. This partnership has a proven track record coordinating the Platform, bringing a wealth of expertise in biodiversity for business and finance, technical expertise, and the ability to drive the growing biodiversity movement.  

The Platform team is building a new plan of activities, and invites you to express your needs and expectations. It will also engage with its partners to develop a unifying framework for actions capable of ratcheting up progress of companies, particularly post-COP15. 

We are counting on you as an active player in the business for biodiversity movement and look forward to continuing working together on restorative and cautious biodiversity pathways. Keep in touch and share your ideas and actions with us!