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DiBaPi Initiative: Transnational exchange platform for the management of large carnivores in the Dinaric-Balkan-Pindos region


date:  21/12/2022

The initiative to establish a large carnivore platform in the region is being continued supported by a second German Federal Environment Ministry’s Advisory Assistance Programme (AAP) project.

The platform consists of representatives from all regional governments who come together to discuss cross border large carnivore management and compare approaches. A background report: Management, Monitoring, Threats and Conflicts - Background Report was written to give an overview of the status quo in the Dinaric countries. Building on the report information, the first meeting of the Platform was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia 16-17 November and the second meeting took place 15-17 June in Sarajevo. The members discussed collaboration along two workstreams: firstly exchange on practical large carnivore measures such as management planning and monitoring. Secondly how to formalise their collaboration through an international agreement. The work will be continued in two further platform meetings in 2023 as well as series of surrounding meetings, thematic exchanges and capacity building measures.  

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