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These are the 2024 European Green Capital and Green Leaf Winners

As announced at the Awards Ceremony in Grenoble on 27 October, the new European Green Capital 2024 is Valencia in Spain, and the two European Green Leaf winners are Elsinore in Denmark and Velenje in Slovenia.

date:  28/11/2022

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The European Green Capital 2022 Grenoble fabulously hosted the Awards Ceremony on 27 October to announce the European Green Capital and Green Leaf Awards recipients for 2024. 

The shortlisted cities in the running for the European Green Leaf were Bistrița, Romania; Elsinore, Denmark and Velenje, Slovenia while Valencia, Spain and Cagliari, Italy were the shortlisted finalists for the European Green Capital title. 

The cities will take on the mantle in January 2024 to act as ambassadors of change and models for other cities looking to be more sustainable. 

Read more about the winners here.