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New! Life Level(s) Layman’s Report

date:  21/11/2022

We’re excited to share the release of the Life Level(s) Layman’s Report.

The publication showcases the outcomes and impacts of the Life Level(s) project over the last two years in promoting Level(s) to buildings sector professionals and policymakers.

Inside you will learn how the project has been:

  • Working with green building certification schemes to help them align their methodologies with Level(s).
  • Guiding public procurers on integrating Level(s) indicators into procurement criteria.
  • Fostering the availability of quality data on the environmental impacts of building materials.
  • Delivering Level(s) training to public authorities and buildings professionals.
  • Mapping the market impacts of Level(s).

The report also includes testimonials from the eight Green Buildings Councils steering the project. Here are a few highlights:

‘In the Netherlands, the Level(s) framework has spiked the discussion about the importance of uniform data across Europe.’ Laetitia Nossek, Dutch Green Building Council

‘The LIFE level(s) project is now part of my life: it made it possible for me to join into a network of pioneers on sustainable buildings across Europe.’ Borja Izaola, Spanish Green Building Council

‘The response to our Whole Life Carbon course was phenomenal, with full classes continuing to join us almost every month to learn about LCA and the carbon profile of a building over its entire lifetime.’ Stephen Barrett, Irish Green Building Council

Read the Life Level(s) Layman’s report.