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12th meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents (TEIA COP12)

Among the highlights of this meeting are the celebration of the Convention’s thirtieth anniversary, a ‘UNECE/OECD Seminar on the effective management of technological risks of accidents triggered by natural hazards’, and the adoption of a Decision on Natech risk management in the Economic Commission for Europe region and beyond. Parties will also be invited to endorse a Roadmap for action for strengthening tailings safety in follow-up to the Decision 2020/1 on tailings safety taken at CoP-11.

date:  29/11/2022 - 01/12/2022

venue:  Palais des Nations, Geneva Switzerland

Organiser:  UNECE in cooperation with the Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) of Norway

Participation in person is required for decision-making and for the purposes of determining a quorum. Remote participation is feasible for those unable to travel. Remote interventions, however, will have to be limited to 30 minutes for each 3-hour session to allow interpretation as per UNOG rules; the remote delivery of statements can thus not be guaranteed.  Delegates are kindly requested to send their statements and/or presentations to the secretariat four weeks in advance of the meeting, by 1 November 2022, via email (

Delegates are kindly requested to register for the meeting (whether participating in person or remotely) by 21 November 2022 by completing the registration form.