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Webinar series on Nature Positive: Case study sprint

Do you see the importance of securing a nature-positive future for humanity but you are unsure how to address this topic in your business? Join us for the case study sprint as part of the webinar series on Nature Positive and learn from business who are taking on the challenge to become nature positive.

date:  21/09/2022

ContactJohan Lammerant

The nature positive concept has recently gained lots of traction among companies globally with an increasing number of companies taking nature positive commitments. However, despite its potential to mobilise businesses, the concept still lacks clear definitions and rules on how to interpret it, which makes it difficult to operationalise and deliver in practice. 

In addition, the absence of a level playing field creates risks of greenwashing. Translating this Global Goal into a clear set of rules or principles for businesses and financial institutions that aim to adopt a nature positive strategy or even want to become nature positive is essential if we want to establish ‘being nature positive’ as a label of credibility, i.e. a sign that businesses and financial institutions really comply with the objectives of the Global Goal for Nature. This is also a clear business need.  

The EU B@B Platform is developing a working definition of nature positive in a business context and testing it with businesses by means of 9 case studies, which are presented and discussed in the dedicated webinar series including a final webinar during the EBNS (European Business and Nature Summit); the outcomes will aim to foster further alignment on interpreting what nature positive means in a business context.

As part of the webinar series on Nature Positive, the Platform kicked off the first case study webinar last week with inspiring presentations of Daniele Bufano (Schneider Electric), Roel Nozeman (ASN Bank) and Ann Vandenhende (Spadel).

If you missed it, you can watch the recording here: 

The next webinar is taking place on Thursday 22 September from 16-17.30h with case studies presented by Josefin Blanck (Vattenfall) and Tom Butterworth (WSP, presenting case studies of Barratt Homes and Transport for London). 

You can still register for the series here: