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European Business and Nature Summit: Last chance to register!

Convening a few months before the 15th UN conference on biodiversity in Montréal, Canada, the European #BusinessNatureSummit 2022 will bring together high-level policy makers and the C-suit executives to build momentum and gear up business action for nature. Join us at this year's Summit on 18 & 19 October. Be quick, because there are only 50 seats left for business!

date:  21/09/2022

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The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework is likely to include more than 20 targets. Business can play a key role in delivering some of the key targets and accelerate the transition towards a nature-positive world, going beyond voluntary action (Target 15) and raising ambition (Target 18).  

EBNS will be an important milestone in the road to the second part COP15 in December 2022. Business and policy makers will engage in stimulating discussion on the interconnections between business and nature, focusing on policy to accelerate the transition to nature positive (Plenary Day 1) and tackling the twin crisis of climate change and biodiversity (Plenary Day 2).

Featured speakers include Director-General Florika Fink Hooijer (DG ENV, European Commission), Anne Larigauderie (IPBES), Lidwin van Velden (NWB Bank & European Association of Public Banks), Heimo Scheuch (Wienerberger AG), Minister Anna Hubáčková (Council Presidency), Joe Walston (Wildlife Conservation Society), Richard Mattison (S&P Global Sustainable1), Gilles Tisserand (Tetra Pak), and Acting Director-General Clara de la Torre (DG CLIMA, European Commission).

Next to impact driven dialogues, inspirational keynotes will be delivered by leading thinkers in the space of business and biodiversity who will spark the audience’s imagination to envision a society and economy that thrives with in planetary boundaries. Commissioner Sinkevičius (DG ENV, European Commission), Rob Hopkins (Transition movement), Mieke Siebers (Foundation for Sustainable Development) and André Hoffman (Roche Holding) will take the stage.

With COP15 finally in sight after two years of delays, there is limited time left for political breakthroughs – especially now the world’s attention is turned to war in Ukraine and the ensuing food and energy crisis.

More than ever business need assess, commit, transform and disclose their business with nature.