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Dinaric regional large carnivore platform initiative


date:  04/08/2022

The inititive to establish a large carnivore platform in the Dinaric region is currently being financed through the German Federal Environment Ministry’s Advisory Assistance Programme (AAP).

The platform consists of representatives from all regional governments who come together to discuss cross border large carnivore management and compare approaches. The first meeting of the Platform was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia 16-17 November. The participants discussed good practice from different regions including presentations on the EU and regional platforms and concrete steps for setting up a platform in the Dinaric region. The second platform meeting took place 15-17 June in Sarajevo. The members discussed the type of agreement needed to back up the platform and the most urgent common actions.

Two thematic meetings have been held in Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia to advance discussions on specific issues such as bear emergency teams.

A background report: Management, Monitoring, Threats and Conflicts - Background Report was written to give an overview of the status quo in the Dinaric countries. More information at