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European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2022

date:  03/08/2022

venue:  Online | Brussels

Organiser:  DG Energy & DG CINEA, European Commission

Extended programme (26–30 September) and policy conference (26–29 September)

The theme of this year’s Week is ‘Going green and digital for Europe's energy transition’. Be sure to consider the extended programme sessions in particular, which cover a number of built environment topics including, but not limited to, the following:

DAY 1:

  • Efficiency: the first renewable energy - Supporting Passive House training uptake at universities.
  • Enabling digital and social innovation for the Renovation Wave.

DAY 2:

  • Making building performance assessment transparent and holistic: Ensuring a reliable and level playing field.
  • Positive energy neighbourhoods for Europe's fair, effective and resilient energy transition.

DAY 3:

  • Why indoor environmental quality matters: Towards healthier buildings.
  • Leveraging digitalisation and construction skills towards the 2030 Energy Goals.
  • Greening buildings (and cities) In the med region: A roadmap or action at a local level.

View the programme and register your place on the EUSEW website.