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Commissioner Sinkevičius’ mission to Ukraine | 23-24 June 2022

This visit took place on the occasion of Ukraine joining the LIFE programme for the environment and climate.

European Union

date:  19/07/2022

On 23-24 June 2022, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, visited Kyiv.

The visit, in the context of the Russian aggression on Ukraine and the EU candidate status granted to Ukraine, was very much appreciated by the Ukrainian authorities.

The main purpose of the visit was signing the Agreement on Ukraine’s association to the EU LIFE Programme. Thanks to this partnership, Ukrainian public and private organisations will be able to receive financial support for projects to protect and restore nature, improve biodiversity and rebuild a circular and zero emission economy. By joining LIFE, Ukraine will be also able to benefit from funding to help restore its environment after the destruction brought about by the Russian invasion. In the medium and long term, Ukraine will be able to develop eco-innovative techniques and approaches, support development, monitoring and enforcement of laws similar to the ones in the EU, and promote best practices in the environmental field.

During his visit, the Commissioner met, among others, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the First Vice-Prime Minister, the Chair of Verkhovna Rada (Parliament), and the Chair of the European Integration Committee. Commissioner Sinkevičius assured his Ukrainian counterparts regarding the EU’s strong and continuous support for Ukraine, underlined the importance of preparing for the post-war period, including the future green recovery, and stressed the need to accelerate approximation and implementation of the EU acquis on the environment.

The Commissioner also made a field trip to liberated areas in the Kyiv region, witnessing environmental damage caused by the war, and visited a water quality laboratory equipped with the support of the EU Water Initiative Plus programme.

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