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9th World Water Forum | Dakar, 21-26 March 2022

The Forum underlined the importance of water as a key development concern and a matter of peace and security for an increasing number of countries in light of enhanced water stress levels worldwide. The importance of transboundary cooperation, also as a tool for regional stability, featured very prominently. A new Team Europe Initiative to support transboundary water management in Africa with the African Union Commission was announced.

date:  11/04/2022

The 9th World Water Forum, which took place from 21-25 March 2022 in Dakar was not only the first major in-person event on water since the beginning of the pandemic but also the kick off to a busy year of preparations for the big UN Water Conference that will take place next year in March in New York.

While, related to Covid, the Forum was smaller than previous iterations, still five presidents, around 30 Ministers (including 6 from EU Member States) and more than 5000 people participated. The EU participation was significant with video messages by President von der Leyen, Commissioners Urpilainen and Sinkevičius, and participation of DG INTPA Deputy Director-General Marjeta Jager. Colleagues from DG ENV, DG INTPA, DG ECHO and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) attended as well. The Forum underlined the importance of water as a key development concern and a matter of peace and security for an increasing number of countries in light of enhanced water stress levels worldwide. The importance of transboundary cooperation, also as a tool for regional stability, featured very prominently. A new Team Europe Initiative (TEI) to support transboundary water management in Africa with the African Union Commission was announced and very well received. Other prominent topics were the importance of sustainable water management for achieving climate, biodiversity, sustainable energy and food security, but also industrial development objectives.

Egypt is committed to make water feature very prominently at COP27 as part of its adaptation focus. Many feel that the COP must achieve a similar momentum for the water/climate linkage as Glasgow did for forests. With regard to the preparations for the UN Water Conference in 2023, it was encouraging to hear many voices from all parts of the world and all relevant sectors calling for ambition and implementable commitments to meet the 2030 Agenda targets. How to achieve these actionable outcomes is the subject of many discussions and participating States will need to develop soon a position on the Dutch co-host’s idea of a “Water Pact” consisting of cross-sectoral commitments.


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