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LIFE Lynx: First confirmed reproduction of the translocated lynx in the Slovenian Alps


date:  20/12/2021

In the middle of August, two hikers from Gorenjska, Slovenia, saw three lynx kittens and lynx Aida by the forest road on Jelovica plateau. LIFE Lynx project team confirmed that Aida, which was translocated from Romania in April this year, was present in the area at the time. This is the first confirmed reproduction of the translocated lynx in the Slovenian Alps.

The lynx reinforcement in the Gorenjska region is of utmost importance, as the area represents a crossroads between the Dinarides and the Alps. Fresh genes will allow the long-term survival of the Dinaric-East Alpine population and the establishment of a link with lynx populations in the Alps. So far thirteen lynx have been released into the wild as part of the LIFE Lynx project to save the Dinaric-SE alpine population from extinction; four in Croatia and nine in Slovenia.