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Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Environment and Climate Action | Cairo, 4 October 2021

Ministers from the 42 Member States of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), gathered in Cairo for the 2nd UfM Ministerial Conference on Environment and Climate Action, agreed on a common agenda to strengthen efforts in tackling the urgent multiple environmental and climate challenges faced by the Euro-Mediterranean region, including marine litter, sustainable waste management, biodiversity loss and air pollution.


date:  19/12/2021

On 4 October the 2nd Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial meeting on environment and climate action took place in Cairo, with the successful adoption of a Ministerial Declaration setting out common commitments for action on the environment and climate in the region.

The event was hosted by Dr Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment of the Arab Republic of Egypt, with the UfM Co-Presidency represented by EU Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans and Mr Nabil Masarweh, Minister of Environment of Jordan.

The conference served to highlight common challenges for the Mediterranean region as a whole – including marine litter, sustainable waste management, biodiversity loss and air pollution.

Acknowledging the urgency of taking action to tackle biodiversity, climate and environmental challenges through the full implementation of the Paris Agreement and the Agenda 2030, the Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to lead by example. They agreed to unite efforts to accelerate the transition towards fair, resilient, climate-neutral and resource-efficient economies, aiming to limit the rise of average global temperatures to 1.5°C, halt and reverse biodiversity loss, and reduce air pollution.

The Ministers stressed the importance of developing policies to protect, manage and restore biodiversity, in particular supporting the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and preparations for the adoption of an ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework. This would include mainstreaming biodiversity into other policy areas, in particular agriculture and fisheries among others, creating an ambitious, ecologically representative, well-managed and well-connected system of protected areas, representing 30% of marine and 30% of terrestrial ecosystems, and implementing nature-based solutions and ecosystem-based approaches as a fundamental part of actions addressing climate change.

They also reaffirmed the need to progressively reduce the use of fossil fuels and involve all stakeholders in the formulation of environmental and climate policies, while mobilising and expanding financial resources to support the green transition, by working with multilateral development banks, financial institutions, development agencies and the private sector. Also acknowledged was the importance of supporting women and youth engagement in building resilience and driving the green transition.

Investments and sustainable finance, implementing adaptation measures, and reinforcing the science-policy nexus were prominent points of discussion, together with the interlinkages between the biodiversity, water scarcity and climate crises, which will require a cross-cutting approach that encompasses the entire economy.

The Ministers mandated the finalisation and future implementation of the UfM Agenda 2030 towards a Greener Mediterranean and UfM Climate Action Roadmap that represent the framework for future regional cooperation.

For more details, read the Ministerial Declaration.

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