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Official opening of the ‘Pollinators park’

Pollinator Park is an interactive and educational virtual reality experience about the alarming decline of pollinators and the actions needed to reverse it.

date:  08/12/2021

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Pollinator Park is an interactive and educational virtual reality experience about the alarming decline of pollinators and the actions needed to reverse it.

Designed in collaboration with world-renowned ‘archibiotect’ Vincent Callebaut, Pollinator Park offers a glimpse of the bleak future that awaits unless we radically change our relationship to nature.

Publicly available as a web version and in virtual reality, it invites visitors to learn about pollinators, try their hand at pollination, shop for groceries in a pollinator-deprived world, and find out how they can help avoid this possible future.

As wild pollinators are in strong decline, the EU strives to raise awareness on the important role of pollinators in our environment.

Insect pollination is a vital driving force, essential for plant reproduction, our supply of healthy food, and around € 15 billion worth of the EU’s annual agricultural production.