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Galway national Park City

Galway, the 2017 European Green Leaf, has launched an exciting initiative. The Irish city has been recognised as a National Park City.

date:  08/12/2021

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Galway, the 2017 European Green Leaf, has launched an exciting initiative. The Irish city has been recognised as a National Park City.

The designation of “National Park City” aims at achieving a Greener, Bluer, Healthier, Safer, Beautiful, Sustainable, Equitable, Harmonious and Wilder environment where people value, benefit from, and are strongly connected to the rest of Nature.

The mission of Galway National Park City encapsulates the ethos of the European Green Deal. The designation will also help the city towards the process of fulfilling the majority of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and on key aspects of the Irish Government’s Programme for National Government. 

Find out more about Galway and all the initiatives related to the National Park City.