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Essential viewing: Learn how Level(s) complements building certification systems

If you are interested in understanding how Level(s) complements building certification systems across the EU, be sure to watch the recently recorded LIFE Level(s) workshop video. The session highlights, through practical examples, how national certification schemes are adopting the Level(s) common language to stay aligned with European priorities and address climate change.

date:  11/06/2021

During her presentation, Josefina Lindblom of the European Commission thanked the Green Building Councils (GBCs) for raising awareness among built-environment sector professionals about these benefits, explaining that Level(s) ‘will always need front runners such as the GBCs to push policy and the rest of the market’.

The session was hosted by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) and the Croatia Green Building Council on 6 May. The webinar recording and event report are now available on the Croatia Green Building Council website.