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February 2021 GPP News Alert

February 2021 GPP News Alert

date:  22/05/2020

Dear colleague,

Welcome to the February 2021 edition of the Green Public Procurement (GPP) News Alert.

A quick look at this month’s headlines:

  • Czech Republic makes consideration of green and social criteria in public tenders mandatory
  • Interview: Nordic cities issue Joint Statement of Demand on Zero Emission Deliveries - Christine Kihl and Ida Laustsen (Norway)
  • Good Practice: Procurement of hybrid electric buses - City of Oradea (Romania)
  • Zoom in on… ProcurCompEU
  • Zoom in on… Responsible procurement e-learning module
  • Zoom in on… Green energy
  • Zoom in on… Rewarding excellence

Enjoy reading!

February 2021 GPP NewsAlert

Kind regards,

EU GPP Helpdesk
Tel: +49 761 368 920

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