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Renovation Wave Quiz

Do you think you know the Renovation Wave inside out? Take our quiz to find out (1 point per correct answer).

date:  06/11/2020

Q1. Which of these actions is not part of the main priorities of the Renovation Wave?

  • Decarbonisation of heating and cooling
  • Renovation of public buildings
  • More effective local recycling initiatives


Q2. The Renovation Wave aims to match sustainability with style. What is the name of the project that will nurture a new European aesthetic?

  • The New European Bauhaus
  • Architecture for the Future
  • A Modern Europe


Q3. What is the main objective of the Renovation Wave?

  • Replace 20% of existing buildings with modern and efficient architecture by 2030.
  • Double the annual energy and resource renovation rate of buildings by 2030.
  • Ban the construction of buildings with non-renewable materials within 5 years.


Q4: Which kind of buildings will be in focus when the Commission develops green public procurement criteria based on Level(s)?

  • Hospitals and care homes
  • Offices and schools
  • Retail


Q5: An additional noted benefit of the Renovation Wave is…

  • Fewer tower blocks in central areas of cities.
  • Research which can be used in other sectors to improve sustainability.
  • The creation of over 160,000 jobs.


Q6: The Renovation Wave aims to tackle energy poverty in Europe. How many Europeans are currently unable to keep their home adequately warm?

  • 7 million
  • 22 million
  • 34 million


Q7: The renovation wave announced that the Commission will develop a roadmap. What will it be about?

  • reducing whole life carbon
  • improving green public procurement
  • design for deconstruction


Q8. What percentage of EU buildings were built over 20 years ago?

  • 85%
  • 95%
  • 74%


Q9. According to a study for the European Environment Agency, what proportion of greenhouse gases emitted across the total life cycle of buildings can be saved by taking circular economy actions?

  • 20%
  • 40%
  • 60%


Q10. What is the digital tool being developed by the European Commission to be used to store data over a building’s life time?

  • the European Building Register
  • the Digital Building Logbook
  • the Online Construction Record


Your score:

0-4 – Hmmm, it looks like there is still a lot about the Circular Economy Action Plan for you to discover.

5-8 – Not bad – you have the Circular Economy Action Plan basics covered, but are still missing a few details.

9-10 – Good job! You really know your Circular Economy Action Plan by heart


Check you score and the answers in the document attached below.


Renovation Wave Quiz Answers
(246 KB - PDF)