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Circular Economy Action Plan Quiz

Do you think you know the Circular Economy Action Plan inside out? Take our quiz to find out (1 point per correct answer).

date:  29/07/2020

Q1: What will be the core of the Sustainable Product Policy Framework regarding Ecodesign?

  • To widen the Ecodesign Directive beyond energy-related products so as to make the Ecodesign framework applicable to the broadest possible range of products and make it deliver on circularity
  • To encourage more non-EU countries to have legislation similar to the EU’s ecodesign and energy labelling directives.
  • To increase national market surveillance that verifies whether products sold in the EU follow the requirements laid out in ecodesign and energy labelling regulations.


Q2: What will the European Commission propose to drive the demand for sustainable products by public authorities?

  • The creation of a Circular Economy Superintendent role in each public authority body
  • Restrictions on the purchase of products made from non-sustainable materials
  • Minimum mandatory green public procurement


Q3: What is the name of the initiative that the European Commission will propose to address the electrical and electronic equipment fast growing waste stream?

  • Circular Electronics Initiative
  • Electrics and Electronics Initiative
  • Electronics Waste Initiative


Q4: The construction sector consumes a very large part of our extracted material, and this in turn gives rise to high embodied carbon emissions. How much of all extracted material is used in the construction sector?

  • About 30%.
  • About 40%.
  • About 50%.


Q5: What is the name of the initiative that will lead to significant improvements in the building sector?

  • The Renovation Wave
  • The Energy Wave
  • The Efficiency Wave


Q6: What will the European Commission propose to help citizens, businesses and public authorities better separate waste?

  • Waste Separation Open Days across EU member states
  • A Waste Disposal calendar common to all EU Member states
  • Harmonise separate waste collection systems

Q7: The objective to significantly reduce total waste generation and halve the amount of residual (non-recycled) municipal waste has been set for what year?

  • 2030
  • 2025
  • 2050


Q8: How many jobs are linked to the circular economy in the EU?

  • 2 million jobs
  • 3 million job
  • 4 million job


Q9: What is the name of the platform that offers guidance to project promoters on circular incentives, capacity building and financial risk management?

  • Platform for the Circular Economy
  • European Commission Support Platform
  • Circular Economy Finance Support Platform


Q10: What is the aim of the Monitoring Framework for the Circular Economy?

  • To ensure no EU member state goes over their waste generation quota.
  • To compare the components of materials produced through different processes and by different manufacturers.
  • To evaluate a country's progress towards a circular economy by displaying all relevant indicators.


Your score:

0-4 – Hmmm, it looks like there is still a lot about the Circular Economy Action Plan for you to discover.

5-8 – Not bad – you have the Circular Economy Action Plan basics covered, but are still missing a few details.

9-10 – Good job! You really know your Circular Economy Action Plan by heart

Check you score and the answers in the document attached below.


(217 KB - PDF)