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Star Tweet

This issue’s Star Tweet is by the Croatian Green Building Council.

date:  14/07/2020


The Croatia Green Building Council is part of the consortium running the Life for LCA LCC Level(s) project (short: LIFE Level(s)). The project is directed towards mainstreaming sustainable buildings in Europe through greater awareness and use of the specified indicators within the framework of Level(s), a set of common European Union indicators to address life cycle environmental performance of buildings. The consortium is also made up of Green Building Council España (GBCe), Dutch GBC (DGBC), Alliance HQE-GBC, GBC Finland (FiGBC), GBC Italia, German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) and Irish GBC (IGBC).


Be sure to share your insights on the future of the built environment with the Level(s) community by using the #BuildCircular hashtag.


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