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EU Green Deal quiz

Do you think you know the EU Green Deal inside out? Take our quiz to find out (1 point per correct answer).

date:  06/04/2020

Q1. How important is the private sector to The European Green Deal?

(1) Vital

(2) Moderately

(3) Hardly at all


Q2. What is included in the European Climate Law?

(1) An EU-wide legal target for climate neutrality by 2050 that binds the EU Institutions and national governments.

(2) Creating a predictable business environment for industry and investors, with the pace of emission reductions mapped out from 2030 to 2050, showing them what needs to be done, and at what speed. (3) A process to include in the Climate Law the updated 2030 emissions reduction target.

(4) A mechanism for keeping everybody on track – with regular reporting on progress and tools to catch up if anyone falls behind.

(5) A focus on the effective transition towards a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource efficient and competitive economy.

(6) A renewed focus on adapting to the impacts of climate change to strengthen Europe’s resilience, including for its vulnerable communities.

(7) All the statements mentioned above.


Q3. What percentage of energy is consumed by buildings?

(1) 30%.

(2) 35%.

(3) 40%.

(4) 45%.


Q4. Within the EU Green Deal frame, what does the EU BSO stands for?

(1) Building Sustainability Observatory

(2) Building Supplies Online

(3) Building Support Organisation

(4) Building Stock Observatory


Q5. What percentages of the building stock is energy inefficient?

(1) 70%

(2) 75%

(3) 80%

(4) 85%


Q6. New technologies, sustainable solutions and disruptive innovation are critical to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal […]. Horizon Europe, in synergy with other EU programmes, will play a pivotal role in leveraging national public and private investments. How many percentages of the budget of Horizon Europe do you think is needed to fund new solutions for climate, which are relevant for implementing the Green Deal?

(1) 30%

(2) 35%

(3) 40%

(4) 45%


Q7. In Europe, if we look beyond the use phase of buildings towards their full life cycle (including extraction, manufacture, transport, construction and end of life) they are responsible, among others, for:

(1) 1/4 of all water use.

(2) 2/3 of all water use.

(3) 3/4 of all water use.


Q8. How many Europeans agree that taking action on climate change will lead to innovation?

(1) 69%.

(2) 79%.

(3) 89%.

(4) 99%.


Q9. Within the EU Green Deal frame, what does SEIP stands for?

(1) Sustainable Europe Investment Plan.

(2) Sustainable Europe Innovation Plan.

(3) Sustainable Europe Integration Plan


Q10. The EU has put in place a comprehensive framework of policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Between 1990 and 2018, it reduced greenhouse gas emissions by…

(1) 3%

(2) 13%

(3) 23%

(4) 33%


Your score:

0-4 – Hmmm, it looks like there is still a lot about the EU Green Deal for you to discover.

5-8 – Not bad – you have the EU Green Deal basics covered, but are still missing a few details.

9-10 – Good job! You really understand how important the EU Green Deal is for Europe and its citizens.


Check you score and the answers in the document attached below.




Level(s) Quiz Answers
(217 KB - PDF)