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Practical Support under the Rural Development Programme | Slovenia


date:  17/12/2019

Slovenia has included measures for coexistence of animal husbandry in areas with large carnivores in their Rural Development Programmes in the agri-environment measures since 2000. A wide range of stakeholders was involved in the design of the measure. A payment is received per acre of grassland as compensation for costs of extra work required to protect the herd against attacks by large carnivores. The measure is open to farmers and stockbreeders carrying out livestock management on grassland in areas with large carnivores. The payment varies depending on the implementation of one or more activities such as mobile protective electric fences, shepherding or use of a herding dog. The measures have led to a decrease in livestock damage caused by large carnivores.

For more information see the description of the case study on the EU Platform website. A report describing ten good practice case studies is also available.