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date:  14/06/2019

In the beginning of May the EU Platform’s annual Plenary Meeting focused on several topics of long-term interest to the Platform members. Following on from initial information gathering and discussions during a Platform workshop in Goslar, Germany in 2018, we discussed how the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2021-2027 can be used to finance coexistence measures. It is very clear to all of us that financial support to protect livestock against large carnivores and compensate for damages caused, are important elements for reducing impact on livestock and resulting conflict and that we need to ensure that countries and regions plan sufficient resources through EU funds or their own budgets. However, we also agreed that funding alone will not suffice. Those living most closely with large carnivores, especially livestock owners and herders who are most affected by depredation, have to feel involved in decision-making processes.

In this context, we consider that opportunities to exchange views and improving mutual understanding are essential. This is why we continue our exchange with regional platforms, including those supported by the European institutions in Grosseto, Italy; Harghita, Romania and Avila, Spain. The platforms are all making progress and we had an interesting exchange of views at the EU Platform Plenary Meeting on how the EU Platform members can help to communicate information on and between the regional platforms. In particular, the progress of the Grosseto Platform is very promising and we were delighted to have organised a joint workshop in Florence 8 May, where they presented a series of actions agreed by all stakeholders.

Jurgen Tack
Scientific Director of the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO)
Co-chair of the EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores