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EU Platform regional workshop in Budva, Montenegro


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date:  04/12/2018

Organiser:  World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) (represented by WWF Adria) and the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe (IUCN-LCIE)

ContactSecretariat of the EU Large Carnivo...

In the Dinara-Pindos-Balkan region, brown bear, wolf and lynx populations are shared among ten EU and non-EU countries but there is little transnational dialogue on the topic currently, and consequently, widely varying monitoring and management approaches. The regional workshop of the EU Platform aimed at initiating and incentivizing cross-border communication and collaboration.

At the regional workshop, Platform members, authorities and stakeholders from the region, exchanged information and experiences on population statuses and management approaches. Good practice examples on transboundary management and the EU Platform’s work were presented. The aim was to start a process of long-lasting transnational communication and collaboration on large carnivores including assessing the interest in establishing a future large carnivore platform in the region. Participants agreed on a workshop statement  and plan to initiate a dialogue involving a broader range of stakeholder groups. More information on the workshop aims and outcomes is available on the webpages of the EU Large Carnivore Platform.