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November GPP News Alert

November GPP News Alert

date:  21/11/2017

Dear colleague,

We’re pleased to send you the November edition of the EU GPP News Alert.

This month’s issue opens with a factual overview of the European Commission’s latest proposals, published on 8 November, governing public procurement of clean vehicles. The proposals, once approved by co-legislators, will replace the current Clean Vehicles Directive (2009/33/EC).

Our feature interview provides an insight on what’s happening on green procurement in Estonia, in light of the recent Congress on Circular Procurement – held in Tallinn (18-19 October). Karen Silts from the Estonian Ministry of the Environment tells us about their current activities and about the state of play of GPP in Estonia, as well as the new approach of introducing more mandatory requirements in the years to come.

Good practice this month details how the City of Vaasa (in Finland) support the creation of ‘circular economy loops’ by making use of the energy recovered by their regional waste management company to fuel their buses. The biogas originates from separately collected household bio-waste and sewage sludge from the City’s waste water treatment plant.

In our news selection this month, read the report and presentations from the Circular Procurement Congress in Tallinn; register to attend the Conference on ‘Joining Forces on Public Procurement to Power Investment’; read about what’s just happened at the COP23 in Bonn on sustainable procurement; and discover who the winners and runners up are of the 2017 Procura+ Awards.

Happy reading!

GPP News Alert November

Kind regards,

EU GPP Helpdesk
Tel: +49 761 368 920

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