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date:  19/01/2017


23 January 2017: Launching first webinar on EU Ecolabel for Personal, Notebook and Tablet Computers (recordings available on EU Ecolabel webpage)

  • The European Commission recently adopted new EU Ecolabel criteria for computers (personal, notebook and tablet computers). These new criteria make the EU Ecolabel a leader in promoting a circular economic model by improving energy efficiency, restricting hazardous substances and encouraging designs that lead to a longer product lifetime and make repair, upgrade and recycling easier.


6-8 March 2017 : RISI Ninetheenth Annual European Conference on Helping the forest products industry make better decisions – Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • Join industry colleagues in Amsterdam for the Nineteenth Annual RISI (most authoritative global source of forest products information and data) European Conference. This is the premier forum to immerse yourself in all aspects of the forest products industry. Discover how RISI's deep industry expertise will help you understand the latest trends, challenges and opportunities.


8 May 2017: Sustainable Tourism Conference – Valetta, Malta

  • To celebrate the International Year of Sustainable Tourism, the European Commission will put forth a High Level Conference on the opportunities and challenges of sustainable tourism. This conference will address how to provide recognition to sustainability champions as well as information on how sustainability fits into the future trends in tourism. Both EMAS and EU Ecolabel licence holders will give testimonials on the benefits of their certification.