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Overview   Interviews

How can Green Public Procurement accelerate the decarbonization of construction materials?

Joint interview with Jai Krishna from European Environmental Bureau and Tudor Cherhat from the Environmental Coalition on Standards. Mr. Krishna works with the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) as Zero Pollution Industry expert and is focussing on scaling the demand for green steel and low carbon cement demand in public procurement. Mr. Cherhat is a programme manager at Environmental Coalition on Standards (ECOS), overseeing campaign and promotion efforts focused on GPP for buildings and construction materials.

Green canteens: Results from the recent study by the University of Alcalá’s Green Public Procurement Research Group

Interview with the Green Public Procurement Research Group at the University of Alcalá, which is coordinated by Ximena Lazo Vitoria (pictured). The research group recently carried out a study titled ‘Is public procurement in Spain sufficiently green?: An empirical study of school canteens’ which aimed to provide information to support public decisions-making and for social and economic actors in the food sector.

VDL quote

"Biodiversity and ecosystem services are vital for all of us in Europe. Loss of nature destroys not only the foundations of our life, but also our feeling of what constitutes home. We must protect it. At the same time, food security, in harmony with nature, remains an essential task."

‘How to procure a smart city district? The Re:Špitálka project’

Interview with Lukáš Grůza, from the Department of Strategic Development and Cooperation of the Brno City Hall, Czech Republic. Mr. Grůza works as the project manager of the Smart District Špitálka and an evaluation specialist. Previously, he was responsible for coordinating Smart City activities across the city.

A Better World Starts with Public Procurement

Interview with Fredo Schotanus, professor of Public Procurement at Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E) in the Netherlands. He is also co-founder of the Utrecht University Centre for Public Procurement (UUCePP) and is active as a principal consultant for Significant Synergy. He studies procurement that takes price, quality, people and the environment effectively and efficiently into account.

Interview with Marieke Schouten, co-chair of the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform

"Pollution does not stop at borders. It is a global issue that requires local solutions", says Marieke Schouten (NL/Greens) in this interview. The Alderman of the municipality of Nieuwegein and co-chair of the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform defends the concept of 'One Health' and the need to support local and regional authorities to deliver solutions adapted to each territory.

Reducing the risks from plastic

Plastic is everywhere, with about 380 million tonnes produced worldwide in 2015, up from 2 million tonnes in the 1950s. Only an estimated 15% is collected and recycled, while plastic that is not properly treated poses a serious environmental threat. An OECD report published in May (Improving markets for recycled plastics) studied how plastics could be better managed, recycled and reused. Peter Börkey, OECD Environment Directorate Principal Administrator, who led the work on the report, answered questions on issues around plastics.

Cooperation and innovation for cleaner air

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution is a framework for European, North American and Central Asian countries to cooperate on tackling the pollutants that cause negative effects on human health and ecosystems. The Convention’s Chair, Anna Engleryd, a senior policy officer from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, discussed the main current challenges for the Convention.