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Watch: Webinar on empowering local authorities with circular construction skills for a greener future

In October, BUILD UP hosted a webinar on a local authorities’ policy toolkit to promote circular construction skills. If you did not catch the webinar at the time, the recording is available for you to watch back at your convenience.

date:  14/03/2024

In October, BUILD UP hosted a webinar on a local authorities’ policy toolkit to promote circular construction skills. If you did not catch the webinar at the time, the recording is available for you to watch back at your convenience.

Co-organised by BUS-GoCircular and ICLEI Europe, the webinar explained the key insights from the BUS-GoCircular project. This project focuses on developing and implementing a circular construction skills qualification framework.

The insights from the webinar may be of interest to local authorities looking to:

  • find out how the policy toolkit makes it simpler and easier to begin promoting circular construction skills;
  • discover a wealth of resources including training materials, circular construction guides, and the ‘Fundamental Training Pack for SMEs’;
  • visualise a successful project in action, the LIFE Waste 2 Build project in Toulouse Metropolis, which showcased real actions to upskill diverse audiences in the field of circular construction;
  • learn about the barriers to circular construction skills and how public procurement can be a game-changer in this sector.

Watch the webinar